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Poney News
Inscrit depuis le 30.11.13
Possède 328 poneys
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Hey pony friends, my name is Lili
and I'm from Germany.
I am rather a new
ponyvallee player, but I
already love this cute,
little game so much.

Please feel free, to
send breeding
requests to me.

I can well imagine,
that some of you
wonder what pony
it is, which you can
see on my profile
Well, this pony was
made especially for me.
I play another game, and in the forum of this game are some amazing artists running their own threads, where you can request ponies like this and other stuff like this. So sadly I have to say, that nobody is allowed to use this image, except for me or the artist who did this amazing pony. And I really hope that noone uses this image, because the artist who made thisis really picky in copyright issues.
The artist who made this pony has started her own online game in the meantime, it's called daydreamwishes, so if you want to play a game where you can have your own and really individual ponies, so have a look at the mentioned game. :)

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Les Poneys de Puddingbrummsel