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- kmilea
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- Date d'inscription: 2012-02-02
- Messages: 220
V2 launched now!
Hi everybody and welcome on this new version of Pony Valley!
After so much hard work, the whole team is happy to present this new version showing great promise.
To start, the former V1 players will have to migrate their accounts, for that you just have to click on the link bellow connections:
 You can re-write your account information in the migration window anytime to see the position of your account in the migration line.
After some time, your account will be on the V2 (it can take a little time so don't worry), and you'll be able to access it.
The V1 is still open, and accessible on the bar at the top of the screen, and this until June 4th when it will be definitively closed.
To celebrate the launching of the V2, we offer Beautician and Cook assistant sets, via exclusives quests to all the players whose accounts have migrated. These sets enable you to feed and brush all your ponies with just one click. What's more, all those who migrate their account before June 4th will get the exclusive "New" Set. (very soon)
 The board topics will bee transfered rapidly, don't worry.
- gonise
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-06-17
- Messages: 4
Re: V2 launched now!
WOW, the new version is really nice ;) But it is a bit strange..... can someone tell me where to find the shop??? And how can I put the English language for all the time, because is heading back to French language all the time when I do the quests..? The new version is really nice, but I'll miss the old ponys and traits so terribly :( Anyway, the new version is great <3
- mommypony
fiche Eleveur
- Mommy-derator

- Date d'inscription: 2010-05-29
- Messages: 137
Re: V2 launched now!
Please check the Helping Hands and FAQ sections, gonise.
My mod-voice is grey...stronger than steel, but gentle as a dove. Check the forums for FAQ's, Bug Reports, new topics.
- sayhen
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-30
- Messages: 61
Re: V2 launched now!
I am really exited about V2, have been playing all day and looking at my "new" ponies :) I like the interaction we have now in the game and the traits do fit much better on the ponies now. And the foals are so cute!
- sapphireswan
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-11
- Messages: 12
Re: V2 launched now!
I like the new version. It's very cool. The new ponies are awesome and the babies are SO CUTE! The beautician and the cook are a really big help too. I just wish I could get all my fairygold back :(
- julyslash
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- Date d'inscription: 2011-10-27
- Messages: 2
Re: V2 launched now!
Will we have our fairy gold back?
- fanficgirl24
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-30
- Messages: 1
Re: V2 launched now!
that what i like to know if we get our fg back because i was save up my for some time for where i could do thing i want
- nyghtmoon
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- Date d'inscription: 2008-12-03
- Messages: 133
Re: V2 launched now!
As was discussed over the last several months on the forum, fairy gold is reset to 0 for EVERYBODY. This is because some players had very large sums (my own count was over 8 million) and with traits being available for gold it offered an unfair advantage. Now if you are a newer player, you would not be too happy if I could buy whatever I wanted while you could not. The decision was made to keep the game fair to everyone as well as to keep the economy stable. Remember that feez purchases are how feerik make money so we have a game to play.
My MOD voice is burgundy and enigmatic
- lyra856
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-17
- Messages: 31
Re: V2 launched now!
I really like the new version, but everytime i go to my barn, it turns into French, and no matter how much i set the language to English, it won't WORK!!
~~Plz Help Lyra856
- queenmyadi
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-30
- Messages: 3
Re: V2 launched now!
I hate this new site... it's confusing, hard to navigate, and you can't even try out or buy traits! Not only that, I also have a deep disrespect for the company when they didn't care or listen to any of our suggestions, especially when it came to taking off the double horns off pony breeds that didn't make sense like the pegs, celestials and earths. Thanks for ruining it for me feerick. I find this site very unenjoyable now and I'm just about done with this site for good...
By the way, thanks so much for making me lose 3 million and making me jump through so many hoops to even get 200 gold!!! This site is ridiculous, unorganized and unfair. You have failed on so many levels...
I might as well just delete my account and leave... even though my voice won't matter here anyway. First the loss of ponystars, now this. That's another 2 years of gameplay wasted... thanks a lot. I'm just glad that I didn't waste any real money this time!
Dernière modification par queenmyadi (2012-05-05 08:14:17)
- cee69
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-30
- Messages: 2
Re: V2 launched now!
When we first got the news the site would be renewed, I understood. Every game, company or something similar has to be renewed every once in a while. I also understood why it had to be done. After loosing ponystars, I was happy to come here. Though the many differences I liked it. Despite so many old friends lost, I made a whole bunch of new ones.
Many were very negative about the new designs, and I was too at first, but I got used to them. There will always be favorite breeds and breeds one doesn't want.
What I didn't like was that we would loose the glitches, and that we weren't able to sell ponies with genes. This meant no trading. Though genes were promised to be for gold, I still didn't like the idea of not being able to interact with other players as I was. Even with this knowledge I said I would wait and see how the new version turned out. After that I could always decide to leave or stay.
I'm sorry to say, that at this point I've decided to leave. First, there is no trading and no glitches. My main reasons for sticking around so long. Then there is the ridiculous high amount of fee'z needed to get yourself a Farmer and a Messenger. This is done, even when there was said that ALL sets would be gold Also there is the fact that for the Cook and Beautician it's required for those ponies to wear the FULL sets. I don't like that, I love to mix and mingle sets. Foals wouldn't get lost, but they would be born in the new color system. Foals disappeared. During the tutorial I learned that it's quite hard to get a good amount of gold, though it was said that that would not be the case. Also, there is a maximum amount of ponies that we can have. Not cool. We cannot show our ponies to others. They can go through my herd IF they are my 'friend'. No cool
And yesterday, I learned of the breeding limits. Only 5 ponies can be pregnant at a time, and every pony can only breed 30 times. The fact that only 5 ponies can be pregnant means most likely that there will be no inherited genes anymore. So basically, my couples are useless. And after a while, so will all my beloved ponies be.
I'm not a mass herder, who buys ponies because she can. I can tell you precisely why each pony is in my herd. I'll hop into IRC, and some of you have me on facebook. I hope people will let me know if something changed. So long as the breeding limits are in place, I'll not come back.
Good luck to those who decide to stay ~cee
- azenner314
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- Date d'inscription: 2011-04-26
- Messages: 7
Re: V2 launched now!
I agree with you in a lot of ways Cee. I feel like Feerik made some empty promises to us. I specifically remember them saying that all traits would be gold, and yet the farmer and messenger can only be obtained with feez. Maybe instead we could have those traits be more expensive so they are still harder to obtain, but not impossible for those of us who don't buy any feez. I understand that there will still be items you can obtain only with feez but this is like our little fairy. Some of us need this to keep up with our herd....
My suggestions:
*Give gold to players daily just like in V1. There just isn't enough options to earn it at the moment, so unless you can add more ways to obtain gold, please consider this. *As mentioned above, the messenger and the farmer traits should be available for gold but at a higher price so a little harder to obtain. *Maybe add an area for a description about the player, kind of like in ohmydollz. This would give us a little more freedom to personalize our page.
I have more but I can't list them right now. I will soon however. I hope you consider this Feerik. I don't mean to be rude in any of these suggestions so just keep that in mind. All I am trying to do is make the game better for the players seeing as we are the ones giving you our money and playing the game. Thank you.
- darkjewels
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-05-01
- Messages: 360
Re: V2 launched now!
i have to agree with the 3 people above. i agree 1000% with what queenmyadi, cee69 and azenner314 just said. by the way, i remember to have read somewhere that when we migrated our accounts to V2, we'd still be able to access the old ones in V1, but it's a LIE! i've tried to log in at V1 today in order to get a picture of a celestial pony for me to remember how they used to look like, but they wouldn't let me.
i will not unlock the "locked" ponys on a totaly unrelated note: no, i will not stop with the puns!MWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ~Only entering for gold. Not interacting with other players very often~
- queenmyadi
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-30
- Messages: 3
Re: V2 launched now!
and I can't even delete my account... another negative on my list. farewell pony valley. I'll never be logging in again after this!
- jojo91122
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-01-04
- Messages: 67
Re: V2 launched now!
Even if you do not like the new game the worst thing you can do is get all upset about it. I have been playing on PV ever since it opened a number of years ago and a change was certainly in affect. I am also sad about losing my glitches, as I had many of them, and the fact that my 4 million+ plus fairy gold was set a zero once again. Ferrik worked hard to get the new site ready, and besides, it's not even finished yet!
- PS and V1 player -
- swiftwind20
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-01
- Messages: 11
Re: V2 launched now!
Exactly jojo, they aren't done updating yet. Even with beta testing, there are bound to be glitches and issues. Be patient. If they haven't fixed it after a month or two, then you can gripe. I personally love the new version, though I do agree we need more ways to get gold. As sad as I am to lose my 2 mil gold, I understand why it was necessary. But it will be really hard to re-earn that amount at the current rate. So more ways to earn would be nice.
- finalfantasy95
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- Date d'inscription: 2011-04-02
- Messages: 14
Re: V2 launched now!
I really like this new version of this game because:
1. The ponys look a lot more "real" than they did. 2. The fact you have to work for gold and traits. 3. That can marry your own ponys.
I could think of many more, but I must say I was not sure at first but Ferrik really put their time and soul into this. I thank you Ferrik for bringing this version of Ponyvallee into the light.
Hmm... I sure it's not that the right way you know... Maybe, but I am odd like that, somthing you will get used to. XD
- cee69
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-30
- Messages: 2
Re: V2 launched now!
@jojo, I cannot speak for the others, but I'm not upset. If I sounded upset then my message wasn't sent as I meant it. I merely stated it as a matter of fact. I will hop in every once in a while to check up on the game. I will speak to other players. But for now I'm a little done with it. I'm also not saying that there aren't improvements, but for me they don't outweigh the losses. There are improvement, I do like the inherd marry thing, I do like the more 'village' look of the game.
I'm not mad that I lost my gold, I knew that that was going to happen but don't mind me for disliking it that I have to things for it I don't want to do. Those new quests, they require me to buy new ponies. I don't want to expand my herd. And certainly not for less gold then I have to pay for it. That's the other way around if you ask me. I pay 172 gold, but at most I've gotten 30 gold for it back. I'm sorry, but too me that's stupid. Fact. ~cee
- eadwynn
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 8
Re: V2 launched now!
I'm in agreement with a lot of what you said, Cee. I was sorely disappointed yesterday with the (what I consider to be) buggy, un-polished and unprepared release. The quest system is heavily bugged (for me and at least a few others I know of) and everything just feels a little unfinished. My preferences switch back to French regardless of how many times I choose English and, to be brutally honest, some of the translations are absolutely horrendous. One of my pet hates with V1 was the clunky translation from French into English and I hoped that would be fixed for V2. I'm also quite confused with regards the promised 'compensation' for our hoarded gold from V1. I had around 7 or 8 million sitting there and, whilst I knew I wasn't going to be able to bring it with me to V2, I'm not sure what I got in return. Whilst I don't want to sound selfish, I'm going to counter the argument nyght stated a few posts up:
"Now if you are a newer player, you would not be too happy if I could buy whatever I wanted while you could not."
I absolutely do not agree with this. If I'm a veteran player, I expect to be in a better position that someone who just picked up the game today. In the same way as if I were a consultant psychologist, I would expect to have a higher wage than a psych student on placement. If V2 was, in fact, a brand new game I wouldn't feel this way since everyone would be at the same stage. Ugh. I think I'm just frustrated at the fact that (in my opinion) V2 went live before it was ready. If I'd known just how buggy it is I wouldn't have bothered migrating until later. I suppose it's mostly a case of buyer beware.
I appreciate that even with beta testing that games go live with a few hiccups and need hot fixes and/or tweaks after release but this just seems to be unplayable at the moment.
With all that said, however, I do really like the idea of V2. No, stop laughing, I really do! The graphics are very sweet and it all looks lovely until I try to do something. Then the frustration sets in. But, time to wait and see. If things don't improve after the first three or four months of release, I'll no doubt be on my merry way.
- brokenstar9
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-02
- Messages: 537
Re: V2 launched now!
Cee I think your opinion was well thought out & presented. Certainly nothing to be sorry about.
My mod voice is Turquoise, stone hard and mystical. Have a question Read the Common Player Questions for the fastest answer.
- naraness
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-30
- Messages: 1
Re: V2 launched now!
*Sigh* I have to say I'm a bit disappointed. For the most part just because the new site is very difficult for more poor old computer to run, and I haven't been able to get on for the longest time! Are we going to be able to restore our old role plays?
Also I was trying to get onto the V1 board, and find get in contact with Luv and Sarah again, but I was only able to find the V2 board.
- nyghtmoon
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- Date d'inscription: 2008-12-03
- Messages: 133
Re: V2 launched now!
Unfortunately, the change in the forums was not something that I prepared for in regards to the RP's being lost. Players who had RP's running can of course put them back up. It does mean starting over, which I know is a huge pain. :-(
I know the forum PM system is not working at the moment but you should be able to reconnect with players in game
My MOD voice is burgundy and enigmatic
- horseg27
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-02
- Messages: 12
Re: V2 launched now!
I too was a bit shocked at the forum having been reset. We shall have to start up the rps again.
I do like the new version though. After a bit of getting used to it's not bad to get around. I really do like the way we actually in a way get to have our own place with the barn and farm. The graphics look great on that! Can't wait to find out about the other place that's coming soon!
- goldgirl1563
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-17
- Messages: 11
Re: V2 launched now!
I had over 7 million in fairy gold and now it's all gone. It's not fair that I and others like me get the same compensation as someone with 50'000 FG does. I lost over 7 million in FG...it not allowed! At least if I kept like 1 million it would have been fine...at least if I kept something...but nooo apparently it's not fair for the new players. Ah yeah it is, cause it took us long to get the money we have, for it all to get deleted, while nothing bad happens to new players. That is completely not fair. I really love how the staff really just want to make this site better. They really put in a lot of effort in it. I feel bad complaining but this new breeding and fairy gold thing really not allowed. I'd rather just the site stay on V1 for the rest of eternity.
- mommypony
fiche Eleveur
- Mommy-derator

- Date d'inscription: 2010-05-29
- Messages: 137
Re: V2 launched now!
EVERYONE has zero gold. E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E. For EXACTLY this reason, so that older, established players would not have any advantage over new players.
My mod-voice is grey...stronger than steel, but gentle as a dove. Check the forums for FAQ's, Bug Reports, new topics.
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