- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
I had 16 foals yesterday and about the same number the day before and got no ITs, and today had only 5 babies and one of them was born with beautiful Nephilim Tattoo from Likky's MAGICAL stallion! ^-^ Thank you so much for another lovely trait! :3 And I think you know exactly what tattoo I'd like to try to inherit now... ;D
Congrats on the misty, Phat - I gave a 'like' to her and to a few more newborn cuties :o)
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
Indeed, my boys have recently given many traits to you, guys. But I think it's too much to call them magical xP For me, they should give you much, much more ITs! :D
Edit: We've just started 10th page of posts in our topic!!! When I created this, I didn't even dream that it would become so big! Thank you very, very much, every participator and member for being here!
On this occasion, I made small banner of our Project ;) You can see it in the first post.
Dernière modification par likkymound (2013-09-27 15:55:43)
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Thank you, Likky, for giving us the opportunity to take part in such a great Project :D I'm also very happy to see the players coming here, offering their traits and having fun breeding their own ponies to get traits of the other members... It's wonderful :D I love the banner,too ^-^ And I'm very happy to see one of my foals there,with a cute trait I got from you :D And blue+pink is one of my favourites... :3
- fl0w3r
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
Seliniecomez inherited the Imperial Lover coat. Thank you again, Likky! Can I inherit the Nephilim coat along with the other Imperial lover set?
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
Great! And sure :) I put new coat on stallion requested by you.
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
hello dodecnew, i would like to ask if i could breed for 6th birthday coat, 6th birthday mane, 6th birthday tattoo, and 6th birthday hooves. thanks
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Sure,Phat, I accepted your Requests with the whole 6th Birthday set :)
And I've got 2 beautiful ITs from our Project's breedings today! :D
Black Nurse Hooves & Ephemeral Coat
Likky, can I ask you to put the Noble Palfrey Coat on the boys ? ^^
Fl0w3r, may I try for the Crystal Fairy Hooves now? :o)
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
Congrats, Dodec! New coat waits for your requests ;)
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
ok from fl0w3r I would like please - northern light set
healingheart - I would like please -coat emily funeral, hooves- milky way, mane- star glitter, tattoo- milkyway.
umbreon -like please- coat-mummy,hooves mummy, mane-noctis umbra, tattoo- mummy
lillil -please- coat- star medium, hooves- blood mary, mane- halloween witch, tattoo- midnight witch.
thanks i will be sending request today, thanks again
- fl0w3r
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
Thanks to Lumi, I got the Spring Bride and Spring Groom tattoos.
Can I inherit:
Dodecnew: Autumn Tree coat Autumn Tree mane Fall Bride tattoo Summer Groom hooves
Likky: Imperial Beloved coat Fall Bride mane Winter Groom tattoo Winter Groom hooves
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Sure,Fl0w3r,I'm waiting for your Requests there :) I've accepted those you sent to my main account. For your 'fl0w3r' mares I used the Antic Dancer + Maried traits, I hope I haven't missed you asking for other ones and that it's ok... ;) Also,have you noticed my post asking to change the hooves? I've inherited the previous ones and I'm going to send some Requests to you today so I thought I'd ask... :)
- fl0w3r
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
I didn't realize last time I accepted your requests. Sorry about that. I changed it to the Crystal Fairy hooves this time around.
Accepted your request, Phat. :3
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Fl0w3r, I've inherited the hooves just yesterday, so everything has been perfectly fine :D And thank you for accepting today's batch of Requests :)
- winter night
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2013-08-26
- Messages: 77
Re: IT Project
I want to be a PARTICIPANT! Your nickname: Winter Night Whose traits you want to inherit?: Fl0w3r Which traits: Coat: Nurse Coat Mane: Nurse Mane Tattoo: Nurse Tattoo Hooves: Nurse Hooves Thanks for your help!
I don't have much traits to become a member yet But, soon after a few months of saving and breeding, maybe I can do my share and help!
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Hello,Winter night ! :D I hope you'll have fun taking part in the Project and get many beautiful traits and foals ^-^ If you want, send Requests to my Nurse/Nanny too :o) The stallion's name is Mr Panda and he'd be happy to meet your mares :>
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
Welcome, Winter night, in our Project (which I can't call 'little' anymore :P) I hope you'll get many ITs soon. And I'm really happy that you want to share your traits in the future. Any and all help in this Project is greatly appreciated ^-^
- fl0w3r
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
Thanks for picking me! I'll send you a friend request and then you can pick any stallion in my herd for me to put traits on.
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
Well still no traits, I got one a couple days ago from my own mare/stallion breeding, but still am hope full. i will be sending out more request.
welcome winter night
- winter night
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2013-08-26
- Messages: 77
Re: IT Project
Thankies for the warm welcome! Thanks Fl0w3r and dodec for the opportunity as well.
I'll try and make nice matches for the breeding. Get some cute ponies born!
Edit: I've sent requests to both of you. Thankies again. Fl0w3r, I hope my match for Ivy is alright. I thought, cause you already have him dressed up, I will send my mare, Crimson Storm's request. Dodec, I sent from Precious to your stallion =^.^= I hope my match making isn't too bad.
Dernière modification par winter night (2013-10-02 10:00:52)
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
I've just accepted your Request, Winter night, and I love the couple you chose! :3 I'm sure the foal will be cute ^-^ And there's a chance it'll be a misty-bodied pony :D
- winter night
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2013-08-26
- Messages: 77
Re: IT Project
Then I hope for the best of the best to happen! =D
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
winter night if you like I also have the nurse set on a grey very light pony named grey nanny's run, and i have a few extra nurse traits i can put on another pony i have 1 mane, 2 coats, and 2 hooves and you can have any color pony with the extras. just let me know.
Dernière modification par phatcat28 (2013-10-03 03:20:48)
- winter night
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2013-08-26
- Messages: 77
Re: IT Project
Thankies Cat! I'll have a looksy and then tell you which one, otherwise I'll send a request to your dear Grey.
Edit: I sent you a request from Grey Shades to Grey Nanny's Run. You all have such lovely ponies may I add =^.^= Cat, I hope you don't mind it being an Earth and not an Air pony. Heh, I went though your herd, Cat. I hope you don't mind the second request to your Blue,Mint,Sapphire from my Midnight Skye. If you want to accept, may I request for the nurse traits on him please, to further try my luck?
Thankies to all you three who offered and accepted!
Dernière modification par winter night (2013-10-03 09:13:15)
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
your welcome winter, you can breed any breed of pony you want it doesnt matter to me, I like to mix things up I will add the extra nurse traits. hope i give you at least one trait, good luck
- fl0w3r
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
Another happy day for me. I got another Fall Bride mane, a Imperial Beloved coat, and an Antic Dancer coat. A huge thank you to Likky and Dodec.
Dodecnew: Autumn Tree coat Autumn Tree mane Fall Bride tattoo Summer Groom hooves
Likky: Fall Bride coat Countess Vampire mane Winter Groom tattoo Winter Groom hooves
For Roseflake
Likky: Countess Vampire coat Wings of Innocence mane Morning Star tattoo Unicorn Queen hooves
Dernière modification par fl0w3r (2013-10-04 00:57:38)