- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
winter you are so lucky congrats, i got a rainbow tattoo off my own pony, i guess i need to breed more off the same stallion, ok
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Congrats,Fl0w3r, that's great news! :D I've accepted your Requests on my second account and will send some to one of your boys in a moment :o)
Phat, definitely more Requests. MORE REQUESTS TO ME,please, hehe ;D
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project

thank you likky
Could i try for the peacock mane this time, thanks again.
Dernière modification par phatcat28 (2013-10-05 02:44:18)
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Congrats, Phat ! And the foal looks so cool with this Mane ^^
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
Congrats, girls! I'm so happy that this Project is really working and you've got new traits thanks to it ^^
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
DODECNEW- mane- autumn tree, hooves-fall bride, coat- autumn tree, tattoo- red butterfly
- winter night
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2013-08-26
- Messages: 77
Re: IT Project
No luck yet with the first two babies But, no worries, I got pretty babies! I've sent requests again to Dodec1 for Mr Panda and to Fl0w3r for Ivy, same mares as I used before. I got the almost exactly the colours I wanted But, no Misty and no IT sadly.
Anyway, I'm awaiting to see whether I can post with my new main account, Krizmaf11. Well, old main actually as it comes from PV V1. So, if any of you want to friend me there, feel free. Also, I'm going to become a member with that one soon! Just working on my trait list. Have almost 200 traits!
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
ok dodec from my second account ddp13 i would like to inherit mane - stone glitter, coat -countess vampire, hooves - miss watermelon, and tattoo- pegasus knight. dodecnew for ddp13 God of Space set
and i bought 2 new sets phat - squirrel ddp13- indian warrior just letting you know.
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
I've read your post before reading your message so I've acceted the Request with these traits already - I hope that's ok... :) And thanks for sharing the news about your news sets ^^
- fl0w3r
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
Another round of beautiful ponies, and I got the Autumn Tree mane from Dodec~ Thanks to Likky and Dodec! :3
Dodecnew: Autumn Tree coat Von Rothbart mane Fall Bride tattoo Summer Groom hooves
Likky: Fall Bride coat Countess Vampire mane Winter Groom tattoo Winter Groom hooves
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Waah,that's so great - congrats, Fl0w3r ! ^^ I'm ready to accept new Requests xD Oh,if there are no stallions with >25 Breeding Points left, just send Requests to a few boys or let me know and I'll adopt another boy for your mares :) This is mostly what my second account is for,hehe :P
- fl0w3r
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
Wow. Thanks, Dodec. You're so sweet.
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
I've got these two wonderful traits :

The Coat is from Likky's boy and the Hooves are Lumi's . THANK YOU! I absolutely love these traits and I was incredibly happy to see them on the foals!
I've already asked Lumi to change the Hooves to Purple Fairy and she agreed ^^ And Likky, can I ask for the Vampire Coat now,please? :o)
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
And today - this lovely foal with a lovely IT :
This is amazing,I'm so happy! : D
Thank you, Fl0w3r! May I try for Summer 2010 Hooves now? :)
- fl0w3r
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
Definitely. Awaiting your requests.
Dernière modification par fl0w3r (2013-10-11 20:57:09)
- win1234
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2008-07-05
- Messages: 33
Re: IT Project
Hello all, win1234 is finally back! :) It's been a busy year and I haven't been on as much as I used to...But, I'm excited and anticipating to acquire some IT foals! Most of the traits I am looking for can be found on my profile's list of wishes/favorites, most are exclusives. Please do tell me what traits you are all wanting to inherit, because I may have them!
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
I'm so happy you're back, Win! I've immediately sent you friend request ;)
I've checked your list of wishes and I have a few sets you want: Schoolgirl, Count Vampire, Countess Vampire, Little Princess, Dancer 2009 as well as some traits like Witch disguise Mane. Just choose which one you want first and start sending me breeding requests ^^ You can send to one stallion till his points finish or send to many different ones ;) It doesn't affect how many ITs you get.
- win1234
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2008-07-05
- Messages: 33
Re: IT Project
Thanks likky! I'm glad to be back!
I actually have no preference and would love to have any type of traits for any sets that are on my wish list (mane, coat...etc.) Or is there a limit requirement for inheriting traits? Ah, and I also have a question: Can accessories, glitters, backgrounds, foregrounds be inherited? I haven't been on for a while, so I am not sure if the PV developers changed that rule or not. Thanks so much for your generosity! Feel free to let me know what traits you are looking for.
- fl0w3r
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
Accessories, shines, backgrounds, and foregrounds cannot be inherited. There is not a limit for inheriting traits. Welcome back to PV.
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
I'm so happy to see you back in the game, Win,and even more happy to see you here in the Project! Welcome! :D
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
Hello win, thanks for accepting my friend request, Im sorry i dont think I have any of the traits you are requesting but if you see anything i have that you like just let me know. welcome to our project.
Giz - If i request a stallion that has traits on him already just breed them, You always have amazing traits so any I happen to get will be cool, Ive said this to others but didnt know if you seen it or not.
Dernière modification par phatcat28 (2013-10-13 02:05:07)
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
I've got another IT thanks to the Project and its great members, this time from you, Phat ! :D

May I ask for the Squirrel Coat now,please? :o)
Dernière modification par dodec1 (2013-10-15 22:11:47)
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
Congrats, Dodec! I've also got IT :D And it's from your super amazing stallion! I've got Maried Mane ^^ Can I ask now for Mane Purple Glitter, please?
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Haha,you know how happy I am to hear it,Likky! :D Purple Glitter next in line, as you wish :3