- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
Congrats dodec & likky,
Squirrel coat next ponies.
- fl0w3r
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
I got the Phosphora mane, Winter Groom tattoo, Winter Groom hooves, and Fall Bride tattoo. Thank you, Dodec and Likky!
Dodecnew: Autumn Tree coat Von Rothbart mane Autumn Tree tattoo Summer Groom hooves
Likky: Fall Bride coat Winter Bride mane Imperial Beloved tattoo Imperial Beloved hooves
For Seliniecomez:
Likky: Nephilim coat Imperial Lover mane Nephilim tattoo Imperial Lover hooves
Oh, and Dodec, for the next round of ponies after this, can you adopt a male love for me on Dodecnew? Thank you very much!
Dernière modification par fl0w3r (2013-10-16 23:54:51)
- win1234
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2008-07-05
- Messages: 33
Re: IT Project
Hello all, just let you all know that most of the traits I have for breeding are on my ponies. :) Feel free to pick and choose traits (even if they are on female ponies, I can just move them over to my stallions). Here's what I'm looking for:
phatcat: Little Princess Rollerblade Dancer Easter 2010 Autumn Tree
fl0w3r: Champion from Heaven New Pony Goddess of Time God of Space Olympic Flame Evening Star
likky: Count Vampire Countess Vampire Witch Disguise Mane Fall Bride Imperial Beloved Imperial Lover
dodec: Easter Spirit Emily Funeral Happy Birthday Message of Love Mommy's Day Bloody Mary Morning Star
I'd love to have any of these traits, so I'll just take whatever (mane, coat, hooves, tattoo) that are not used by other players right now. :) Thanks for all your help!
- fl0w3r
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
Hi there, Win! Just send requests to any one of my stallions and I will happily put any trait you want onto that stallion. What traits do you want to request for first?
I have: Champion from Heaven - tattoo New Pony - full set Goddess of Time - full set God of Space - full set Olympic Flame - tattoo (but my other account has the full set, so if you want that, just tell me) Evening Star - full set
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
Ok win, Just saw send your request and i will add these traits, Ok thsnkd to Giz her random traited stallion gave me the Emerals coat, and her grey boy gave me a misty that the my mare gave me a trait also. yea
- win1234
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2008-07-05
- Messages: 33
Re: IT Project
@fl0w3r - Thanks! You may put on the full sets on the stallions I had sent requests for. I would love to have the full Olympic Flame set! I'll just wait until you are ready. :)
@phatcat - Sent out requests. I can't thank you enough!
Thanks to the both of you, again. I'm anticipating the prospect of getting IT foals again after a long time.
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
Win- I hope you dont mind I mixed it up a bit, I put rollerblade coat, mane, and little princess tattoo, hooves. But next time i could add the whole set of one trait, let me know what works for you. or did you want one set on each stallion. let me know ok and will do next go round. you can send more request if you like.
hey win could i try for your winter groom set, thanks
Sorry thought up a question, when you breed for traits do you put traits on the mare or do you leave them bare, I have been putting on traits but it seems i get more of my own the the stallions. any advise would be helpful thanks.
Dernière modification par phatcat28 (2013-10-17 09:26:38)
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
@Fl0w3r - I'm happy you've still been getting so many ITs ^^ I'll accept your requests with traits you ask for in a minute ;)
@Win - I've written down all sets/traits you posted in the second post. Now just send requests to my stallions :3 I think I'll be putting traits in order you wrote them. So first will be Count Vampire set ;)
@Phat - You've got great foals from stallions of Giz. I gave Like's to both of them ^^
I don't put any traits on my mares while breeding them. I don't really need more than one piece of the same trait and dressing mares doesn't make chances of getting IT from stallions any bigger. And it makes sending requests much more time-consuming xP
- win1234
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2008-07-05
- Messages: 33
Re: IT Project
@phatcat - Mixing up the traits is fine with me. :) Whatever suits yourself I'll be content with! I will start sending requests again after four days. (Since my nursery is going to be clustered with pregnant mares!) I placed the Winter Groom set on the stallion you had sent requests for. Just keep on sending requests for that same stallion in the future. :)
@likky - Thanks! Just sent out requests to your stallions. I really appreciate your IT project. Hopefully I'll get some IT foals.
Yes, I don't usually put traits on my mares. It does take time and there's a chance that the foal will IT the mother's traits...but I don't really need any extra of the same traits. So I usually leave them bare, like what likky said.
- sylar1995
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: My Dark Fortress of DOOM~
- Date d'inscription: 2009-11-10
- Messages: 144
Re: IT Project
I want to be a MEMBER! Your nickname: sylar1995 My traits: Trait List Other info:All Stallions are open, if there is a specific one you want to breed with, let me know.
Whose traits you want to inherit?: Likkymound Which traits: Coat: Jewels Mane: Red Apocalypse Tattoo: Spirit of the Deer Hooves: Goddess of Time
"Tell me would you kill to save a life? Tell me would you kill to prove your right? Crash, crash; burn, let it all burn-- This hurricane's chasing us all underground."
"Heartbeat, a heartbeat; I need a heartbeat, a heartbeat."
- winter night
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2013-08-26
- Messages: 77
Re: IT Project
I have yet to be lucky with any of your stallions But, I'm not losing hope yet. I have had 2 IT foals on my main, Krizmaf11. That was luck!
Busy with my trait list of all accounts, hopefully, I'd be joining soon.
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
Welcome, Sylar, in our Project! Thank you for sharing your traits very much and I hope you'll get many ITs thanks to us ^^ My stallions are waiting for your requests. Please, don't let them wait too long xD
@Winter Night - Don't lose hope! Remember you can get any inheritable trait you want. It is only matter of time ;)
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
Welcome Sylar
Would it be ok to send your stallion "Mourning Song" some request and could he wear winter bride set. if you see ponies from my herd you like send request - some ponies names say they are glitches but im turning them to regular colors but cant afford to change names. i have converted all earths, fires, and loves so far.
- fl0w3r
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
I am just sitting here impatiently while I wait for my ponies to be due. Does anyone know what the set with a glass cage foreground is called? I think it's a duo for the Keeper of Secrets.
- sylar1995
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: My Dark Fortress of DOOM~
- Date d'inscription: 2009-11-10
- Messages: 144
Re: IT Project
phatcat28 a écrit:Welcome Sylar
Would it be ok to send your stallion "Mourning Song" some request and could he wear winter bride set. if you see ponies from my herd you like send request - some ponies names say they are glitches but im turning them to regular colors but cant afford to change names. i have converted all earths, fires, and loves so far.
Has been set with the Winter Bride set and accepted the requests, hope you get ITs. ^^ And I shall take a look.
"Tell me would you kill to save a life? Tell me would you kill to prove your right? Crash, crash; burn, let it all burn-- This hurricane's chasing us all underground."
"Heartbeat, a heartbeat; I need a heartbeat, a heartbeat."
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
thank you thank you likky and your stallion Karnioth he gave me Peacock mane, and a snow queen tattoo from the mare, 2 different breedings.
So now could I try for the Valentines 2010 mane THANKS
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Congrats on the IT, Phat,I'm so happy for you! :D
Winter Night, of course you shouldn't loose hope, no matter how much time it takes to get the traits you want! Exactly as Likky said :) But I keep my fingers crossed for you not to have to wait too long ! :)
Win, please,visit my stallions too, they're waiting! Hehe :D I'll try to mix a nice set from those traits you mentioned in your post above ^^
Fl0w3r, I must apologize to you, I've been quite busy for the last few days, and when you sent me the last batch of Requests on my Dodecnew account I checked the Forum and saw Win's post as the last one and now I see it wasn't the only new post at that moment. So it seems that I accepted your Requests with the wrong (previous) Tattoo. Sorry for that. I'll make sure to check our topic properly before accepting any Requests from now on. Also,I've bought two Love boys for you :) First one is named Flower, I adopted him as he's cute and there was no stallion with grey elements in the BM. But after a while I checked again and found a boy with Grey pastel Coat :) His name's Grey Flower,last pony on my second account. Their Breeding Points are all yours ^^ With the right traits this time,I promise... (;
Sylar, welcome! I'm glad that you've joined us and decided to share your traits,too :o) The list looks impressive,I'll take a closer look at it later :> I hope you'll have fun in the Project, with Breeding and Inheriting ^^
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
Congrats, Phat! And sure, I put new mane on my stallions you requested ;)
- win1234
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2008-07-05
- Messages: 33
Re: IT Project
@sylar - Sorry if it's a bit late, but welcome to the project! :) I hope you'll have success at getting IT foals with your favorite traits!
@phatcat - Congrats w/ getting IT foals! Unfortunately, I did not acquire any from my latest set of foals. So, I'm going to send requests again. :)
@dodec - I must thank you again for helping me in the hopes of inheriting new traits. I will be sending requests soon!
- sylar1995
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: My Dark Fortress of DOOM~
- Date d'inscription: 2009-11-10
- Messages: 144
Re: IT Project
Thank you for the welcomes, I really appreciate them. ^^ I had been wanting to join for a long while but kind of felt iffy about it, but then I just went ahead and joined. I hope I can help y'all achieve ITs.
"Tell me would you kill to save a life? Tell me would you kill to prove your right? Crash, crash; burn, let it all burn-- This hurricane's chasing us all underground."
"Heartbeat, a heartbeat; I need a heartbeat, a heartbeat."
- fl0w3r
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
I had an Autumn Tree coat inherit from Dodec.
Dodecnew: Morning Star coat Von Rothbart mane Autumn Tree tattoo Summer Groom hooves
Likky: Fall Bride coat Winter Bride mane Imperial Beloved tattoo Imperial Beloved hooves
Dodec, that's really okay. I really don't mind at all. Thank you for adopting the ponies! :3
- sylar1995
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: My Dark Fortress of DOOM~
- Date d'inscription: 2009-11-10
- Messages: 144
Re: IT Project
I hope I'm doing this right on matters of requesting. Px
Dodec1 Coats: first set of the Oracles' Store Manes: Goddess of Time Tattoos: Wings of Innocence Hooves: Atipico
phatcat28 Coats: Grey Cat Manes: Night Glitter Tattoos: Snowdrop Hooves: Epona
I'll be checking out you ponies, win1234. ^_^
"Tell me would you kill to save a life? Tell me would you kill to prove your right? Crash, crash; burn, let it all burn-- This hurricane's chasing us all underground."
"Heartbeat, a heartbeat; I need a heartbeat, a heartbeat."
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Congrats on the IT, Fl0w3r :D I'm glad it wasn't that doubled Tattoo after all... :P
Win, for your Requests I used Message of Love Mane, Easter Spirit Tattoo, Emily Funeral Coat and Momy's day Hooves :) Next time you send Requests, I'll use another combination of the elements of the sets you mentioned above. Is it a right "system" or do you have another idea for how it should work? :P
Sylar, now send Requests as you like : a few mares to one stallion or a few mares to a few stallions :) My boys can't wait, hehe ^_^
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
today i received a trait from a breeding from my pony to my second account pony and from that union i got a lily of the valley mane.
yesterday i got a trait but it was from my mare, I had already bred a bunch with the mares traited, I thought someone told me that was the best possible way of getting traits but it seems i get more of my own then the ones im trying for. so for now on my mares will be bare.
- winter night
fiche Eleveur
- Membre

- Date d'inscription: 2013-08-26
- Messages: 77
Re: IT Project
I have exactly that thing on my main! I have gotten like 3 IT foals now and none of someone else But, I am not complaining. I have a question though, these trait lists, on what program are you guys doing them? Like is there a special web or way to do it? I have way too many to list like: Hooves: blah blah blah... Manes: blah blah blah...
So they will need to be made like you guys do it. I just have no idea how 