- dodec1
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Yeah,sooo... I am jelous that Fl0w3r wants Likky's traits but doesn't want mine, so I've decided to update the lists of my traits to maybe get some attention as well, HA! xPP Well actually I haven't done this in a [too] long time and I simply should do the update already... :P Here goes: Coats Manes Hooves Tattoos
I'll also update the links in my main post on the first page of this topic :)
- fl0w3r
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- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
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Re: IT Project
Oh my god, really? I actually have a list of traits I want to inherit in order.
1st set: Likky Imperial Beloved coat Fall Bride mane Winter Groom tattoo Winter Groom hooves Winter Bride tattoo inherited Winter Bride coat inherited Fall Bride hooves inherited Winter Bride coat inherited Status - Requested
2nd set: Dodec Nurse coat bought Nurse mane inherited Nurse tattoo bought Nurse hooves bought Status - Done
3rd set: Dodec Madamoiselle Nocturne coat Married mane Summer Bride tattoo Imperial Beloved hooves Status - On Hold
4th set: Dodecnew Elegant Gothic Lolita coat Autumn Tree mane Fall Bride tattoo Summer Groom hooves Status - Requested
5th set: Lumi Spring Bride coat Spring mane Spring Groom tattoo Spring Bride hooves Status - Haven't Requested
Dernière modification par fl0w3r (2013-09-22 19:53:11)
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Aah,I see, that's a relief,haha xD :o) And I'm impressed by the organization of your breedings :) So...I'll be waiting patiently for my turn now ;D And good luck with inheriting traits from Likky's cute boys ^-^
- likkymound
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
Oh, I'm so sorry, Fl0w3r, but I don't have Nurse coat (it's the last trait from this set which I don't have >.<). However, Dodec has all Nurse set and I know she'll be very happy to let you try inheriting them :3
- fl0w3r
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- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
Ahh, sorry Likky! I must have looked in the wrong place. Dodec, if you don't mind, can I inherit yours then?
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Thank you,Likky, for having faith in me <3 Hehe ^^ Fl0w3r, ABSOLUTELY ! :D My boy will be happy to receive both yours and Likky's Requests :) His name is Accarty ^^ He has 19 more Breeding Points to give and then another stallion will become my herd's Nanny and accept Requests and then another one after 20 breedings and so on and so forth.... :P
- fl0w3r
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- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
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Re: IT Project
I have requested, Dodec! Thanks in advance. Likky, THANK YOU SO MUCH. I inherited 2 Winter Bride Coats, as well as 2 of mine. I LOVE your stallions.
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Congrats, Fl0w3r! I hope my boy will be generous with throwing traits too :o)
- likkymound
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
Great, Fl0w3r! I'm so happy my boy made so good work ;) And I'm waiting for another requests ^^
Oh, and what other coat do you want to get from me?
- fl0w3r
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
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Re: IT Project
Here is my list of traits. If there are traits on my ponies that are not listed on the list that you want to inherit, feel free to tell me.
Flower's Traits
Dernière modification par fl0w3r (2013-09-15 19:24:47)
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
Likky- was wondering if you have the lady pink coat, I am sending some request your way and was hoping for that coat. if not could you just through some cool traits on for me, I will be back playing now has i have been out of town, but am back now and i want to start playing regularly.
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
Wow, Fl0w3r, what a fantastic page! Thank you for joining us very, very much ^^ You have great traits. I'll choose a few of them to inherit soon ;)
Phatcat: Yes, I have this coat ^^ and I happily accept all your requests. I put on stallions these traits: Lady Pink coat, Nephilim Mane, Momy's day tattoo, New Year 2013 hooves. But maybe you find other traits you want on my list? Just post them here and I'll use them in next requests :3
- phatcat28
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- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
thank you likky, all those sound great, I will be sending more request later today, thanks
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Phat, it's great to hear that you're back to play regularly :) I'd be glad to get some Requests from you again, and I'll make sure to visit your stallions as well ^^ I hope you don't mind... ;D
Fl0w3r, if you want to repeat the breeding for Nurse traits, my new nanny is named Mr Panda - he has a grey body so he also gives a chance for misty-bodied foals :) Also,I'd like to ask you to let me inherit some of your traits :) I love the site you've created - it looks very pretty ^^ And I found some traits there which I really like and would love to have in my own collection. Here they are: Coat : Red Apocalypse Mane : Feerik 2011 Hooves : Black Nurse Tattoo : Olympic Flame Can I, please, try to inherit these traits from your boys? :o) Oh,but I have a question to ask about sending Requests... Would it be okay if I sent a few (around 4-5) Requests from time to time (every 4 days or once a week), each time to another boy ?
- fl0w3r
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- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
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Re: IT Project
You may do whatever you like, Dodec, and thanks for the comment. Thanks Likky for your comment, too.
EDIT: And Dodec, if my mares do not get the Nurse inherits, I can just buy them with fee'z. Thanks for offering, though.
Oh, and I forgot. All of my stallions are available, but I prefer you choose one with full points (30/30) without traits. It makes it easier to put the traits on.
Dernière modification par fl0w3r (2013-09-16 23:42:56)
- fl0w3r
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- Lieu: USA & China
- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-04
- Messages: 93
- Site web
Re: IT Project
I have inherited two Nurse coats from Dodec. Since I don't want to wait four days, I'll just buy the rest. Thanks Dodec for your help! XD
EDIT: And... I finished buying the set. Likky, can I inherit the Imperial Beloved coat along with the other ones I've requested before? I'll send 25 requests to you.
Dodec, may I begin with the third list: Antic Dancer coat, Maried mane, Antic Dancer tattoo, and Antic Dancer hooves. I'll send 25 requests to you, too.
Dernière modification par fl0w3r (2013-09-17 00:36:54)
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
dodec you are always welcome to breed any of my stallions you want, I think i will get off my butt and write down my traits so as I can share some to. I have been adding some to the stallions, but if you see something i will remove and put on stallion to your liking. this time im sending the request to likky's stallions, I will start checking your stallions for my next batch. I checked your traits out and I will let you know what i decided. thanks
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Oh,I see, Fl0w3r - I thought you were going to inherit all inheritable Nurse traits before buying the rest of the set, but now I understand your plan :P I'm glad my boy gave you at least one of the traits :o) He could've done better but well... it's something,right? xD
[He gives a lot of Coats lately, don't you think, Likky? Hahah ^-^]
Also,Fl0w3r, thanks a lot for agreeing me to inherit your traits and to send Requests in small 'portions' :o) I'll choose one boy at a time and send a few Requests to him,and then find another one. Since you have many beautiful stallions it won't be a problem to choose those with no traits and full number of breeding points ^^ And of course,I'm ready to accept your Requests for the Antic Dancer traits and Maried Mane :) May I ask you to choose a boy who doesn't belong to any of the families in my herd? There are 6 families : In The Rye, du Chateau, d'une Cage, Q., z Wyspy Nut and from the Stars. You can see those names with the names of stallions belonging to particular families. All the other boys are ready to accept 25 Requests or even more ;D
Phat, 'til now I've put these traits on the boys you requested : Coat Spring Goddess, Mane Rock Crystal, Tattoo Mommy's Day, Hooves Passion/Pink Butterfly. I believe these are what you chose when you joined the Project. But now as I've updated the lists of my traits you're welcome to choose other traits :o) I'll be glad to accept any Requests, for any traits - just let me know which ones you like and want ^^
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
All of you have no idea how great I'm feeling that this little Project is still working and helping players! I'm extremely happy :D
Fl0w3r and Phat, I'm running to put traits you want on my stallions and accept your requests :)
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
dodec I accepted your request and just threw a few traits on until i get my list done, I know you probably already had them but can't have too many right. haha, ok i am getting ready to send you a few request and i would like to change my traits to inherit. I would like ZEBRA GLITTER MANE, APPALOOSA COAT, jEWELS HOOVES, AND MOMMY'S DAY TATTOO. wasnt shouting, not really, hope your boys do throw alot of coats cause i would'nt mind a couple of the appaloosa coats.
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
Thanks a lot for accepting my Requests and dressing the boys,Phat :o) OF COURSE - never too many traits xD Alrighty, those traits from now on ^^ I totally understand your choice - I wouldn't mind having even 20 or more Appaloosa Coats, I love this trait's colors and what it looks like on ponies :D I hope my boys won't be stingy and will give you many coats and many traits in general ^-^
- phatcat28
fiche Eleveur
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- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
likky= your stallions shunned me this time, but am willing to give another few hundred chances, haha, how do you people remember which stallion belongs to who. so you know who to thank if you do get a trait. I tried just breeding mostly likky's stallions but did add a few others, but if there is a clue please give, unless you write them all down. whew a lot of writing.
- dodec1
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2009-04-08
- Messages: 825
Re: IT Project
I've just retrieved a foal with the beautiful Imperial Beloved Coat from Likky! THANK YOU,it's so pretty ^-^
And how do I know it's from her stallion? First of all - because of his name - it's so characteristic! :D And now seriously : when you open the Incubator,there are pictures of your mares. Under those pictures there are their names. And under the names of the mares there are names of the stallions who they are pregnant by (not sure if that's the right grammatical form). When you click the name of a stallion, his file appears and in the left upper corner you can see the avatar and name of his breeder :)

Also,when you look at a foals ancestry ( [Lineage] button),you can click on its father's picture and then check the breeder's nickname just like above.

I hope this is what you asked about and that my answer is helpful :)
And about writing down all the breedings,stallions and stuff...It reminds me of the time when I started playing Ponystars so much... *wipes away a tear*
- phatcat28
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- Lieu: USA
- Date d'inscription: 2010-11-29
- Messages: 354
Re: IT Project
thanks dodec that does help alot, I am always baffled how everyone remember. so i will have to try that so I can say thanks to the right person and there stallions.
ok well now i have to say sorry to likky's stallions, they did give me two (IT) babies, but they gave me what the mares were wearing.
1.Virgo tattoo
2.New Year 2013 hooves
thanks likky and likkys stallions
Dernière modification par phatcat28 (2013-09-21 04:18:03)
- likkymound
fiche Eleveur
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- Date d'inscription: 2010-12-05
- Messages: 174
Re: IT Project
That's good that you got ITs, Phat! Always something ^^
Wait a second... you already have New Year 2013 hooves?! So why did I put them on my stallions for you? XD Could you please choose another ones you want from my list?